::Directorate of Factories::


Fees Table. 2016 - Schedule A

Scale of fees payable for Licence and Renewal of Licence for Factories defined under section 2(m)(i) of the Factories Act. 1948 other than Electricity Generating Stations
No fees is applicable for Approval of Plan.

Note : 1 H.P. = 0.7457 K.W.
Total amount of installed power in K.W. (H.P.)
Maximum number of workers to be employed on any day during the period of 3 years


      1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
  Over Not Over 10 21 51 101 251 501 751 1001 1501 2001 3001 5001 7501 10001
  to to to to to to to to to to to to to to
  20 50 100 250 500 750 1000 1500 2000 3000 5000 7500 10000 Over
      Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
A 0 (0) 7.457 (10) 2000 3000 4000 9000 18000 33000 47000 60000 90000 110000 130000 160000 200000 230000
B 7.457 (10) 37.285 (50) 3000 4600 5000 11000 20000 34000 48000 63000 93000 112000 132000 166000 206000 240000
C 37.285 (50) 74.57 (100) 4600 5000 6000 12000 22000 36000 50000 64000 97000 116000 135000 170000 212000 250000
D 74.57 (100) 186.425 (250) 5000 6000 8000 15000 24000 38000 52000 66000 101000 120000 140000 180000 220000 260000
E 186.425 (250) 372.85 (500) 6000 7000 9000 16000 26000 40000 56000 70000 105000 123000 150000 190000 230000 270000
F 372.85 (500) 745.7 (1000) 7000 9000 12000 19000 28000 43000 60000 74000 108000 127000 160000 195000 240000 290500
G 745.7 (1000) 1491.4 (2000) 9000 10000 13000 21000 30000 45000 64000 78000 112000 130000 170000 200000 260000 300000
H 1491.4 (2000) 3728.5 (5000) 10000 12000 14000 24000 33000 47000 68000 82000 120000 140000 180000 220000 320000 320000
I 3728.5 (5000) 7457 (10000) 17000 19000 23000 36000 50000 69000 100000 126000 160000 200000 250000 320000 400000 440000
J 7457 (10000) 11.185.5 (15000) 20000 23000 26000 39000 53000 73000 116000 136000 210000 240000 270000 350000 450000 520000
K 11.185.5 (15000) Over 24000 28000 31000 47000 64000 88000 140000 170000 250000 290000 330000 420000 540000 600000

Guidelines for Online Application for
Approval of Plan, Registration & Grant of Licence, Renewal of Licence
